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‘Don’t want my kids full time’: Mum doubles down on parenting stance

When Lucy admitted she didn’t want to see her kids every day, she knew she was going to cop a bit of hate.
But the Aussie mum of two explained there’s a big reason why, and it’s because of the way she co-parents with her ex. 
“I don’t want to see my kids every single day. I said it,” she said in the video, which has been watched over 200,000 times. 
Watch the video above.
The video is a reply to this comment, “Do you have any regrets separating as you don’t see the kids everyday?” from a previous video. 
Lucy said she’s never really wanted to address these kinds of comments before, because the tone of is always really negative. 
“I don’t want to have my kids full time,” she continued. 
“If I had to have them full-time for any reason, of course I would, and I would embrace it and I would make that our life.
“But here’s something that I was very stern with when we had kids originally, and we were together, that being a parent is a 50-50 job.” 
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Lucy feels like a lot of the responsibility of raising kids still falls on the mum, despite the fact that she – like a lot of mums – works full time and juggles being a mum too. 
She admitted that over the last seven years she’s felt like she wasn’t the best mum, but at the same time she wasn’t a great employee either because of the clashing responsibilities. 
Co-parenting gives her a break and allows her to not only have some time for herself, but to focus on her work too. It’s also meant that her ex now has to figure out the juggle.
“I’ve been pouring from an empty cup ever since I became a mum, so now it’s time to flourish,” she said. 
There was a surprisingly positive tone in the comments, with a lot of people not only validating her feelings, but wondering why men don’t cop the same pressure to be perfect parents 100 per cent of the time. 
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“Why don’t people ask dads this? ‘Don’t you miss them, don’t you want them full-time?’ – why is it just mums who get made guilty for wanting a partnership or be grateful to be able to operate as a human,” replied one TikToker. 
Another person commented, “You can love your kids and still want to spend time away from them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. If it works for you, run with it. You deserve it”
“I’ve never felt more validated… I thought it was just me,” replied another mum. 
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